OH my gosh i cannot wait for 10.26.2010!
The Sims 3 Console E3 Trailer
The Sims 3 "Confessions" Trailer
and here are 2 links for more info on the new SIMS3 CONSOLE VIDEO GAMES!
body language ,eye contact ,reading body language ,non-verbal communication ,understanding body language ,movements ,language signs ,hand gestures ,flirting body language ,female body language ,verbal communication,signs of attraction ,seducing women ,secrets ,personal space ,nonverbal communication leaning confidence ,body movements ,body language secrets ,body language attraction
Players can reset the controller buttons for any object and change the rules to any level through an ability called Direct Control and multiplayer abilities advance the types of games possible for a social/competitive experience. Users are able to link levels together to provide longer gameplay experiences without the breakup of going back to the Pod and can see what LittleBigPlanet 2 levels/games their friends are playing via activity steams.
Release Date: November 2010
Exclusively on: PlayStation 3
Genre: Platformer
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Media Molecule
Sims 3 is coming to the console!!