1 – Higher Earth – above the feet (linkage point to earth’s etheric field)
2 – Earth – between the feet (linkage point to the earth)
(Higher Earth and Earth - material connection. Positive qualities: well grounded, practical operates well in everyday reality. Negative qualities: ungrounded, impractical, picks up negativity. Attachments: spirits of place, stuck spirits. If it is permanently open, you can easily pick up negative energies from the ground or pick up ‘spirits of place’, either as attachments or as communication of events that have taken place.
3 – Base/Root – at the perineum (sexual and creative center)
(Base/Root - basic security, survival instincts. Positive qualities: good sense of your own power, independent. Negative qualities: vengeful, impotent, hyperactive, fearful. Attachments: lovers, mothers. This is one of the places anyone you’ve had sex with can attach, but you can also have attachment to your mother who can manipulate through the chakra and you may also suffer from projection of your own feelings.)
4 - Sacral – below the navel (other sexual and creative center)
(Sacral - creativity, procreation. Positive qualities: fertility, courage, assertion, acceptance of sexuality. Negative qualities: low self esteem, inferiority, infertility, sluggish. Attachments: anyone you’ve ever had sex with, needy people, thought forms, unborn children, parents. This can be the site of 'emotional hooks' that drain your energy and you are vulnerable to another person through sexual contact or powerful feelings such as lust or possessiveness that create attached thought forms.)
5 – Solar Plexus – at the solar plexus (emotional center)
(Solar Plexus - emotional connection. Positive qualities: good energy assimilation, empathic
Negative qualities: overly emotional or cold, emotional baggage. Attachments: previous relationships, relatives, needy people. The solar plexus can take on other people’s thoughts and feelings. This chakra is an emotional linkage point and is where you store your emotional baggage and other people might dump theirs. Invasion and energy leeching also take place through this chakra. A 'stuck-open' solar plexus means you take on other people’s feelings too easily.)
6 – Heart Seed – at the base of the breastbone (site of soul remembrance)
(Heart Seed [high vibration] - soul remembrance - positive qualities: remembers reason for incarnation, connection to divine plan, tools available to manifest potential. Negative qualities: rootless, purposeless, lost. Attachments: parts of your soul left in other lives or dimensions. If you have left parts of yourself at past life deaths or traumatic or deeply emotional experiences, then these parts can be attached and trying to influence you to complete unfinished business)
7 – Spleen – under the left armpit (potential site of energy leakage)
(Spleen – energy. Positive qualities: self-contained, powerful. Negative qualities: exhausted and manipulated. Attachments: psychic vampires, needy people, ex-partners. Psychic vampires can leach your energy, as can past partners, children or parents and hooks here are common.)
8 – Heart – over the physical heart (love center)
(Heart – love. Positive qualities: loving, generous, compassionate, accepting, empathetic
Negative qualities: disconnected from feelings, jealous, insecure. Attachments: anyone you have ever loved. Although it is difficult to imagine being possessed by those you have loved or
who loved you, this chakra can be the site of a great many hooks. You may have given away parts of your heart and need to reclaim them or made promises that tie you to others.)
9 – Higher Heart – over the thymus (center of immunity)
(Higher Heart [high vibration} - unconditional love. Positive qualities: forgiving, accepting, spiritually connected Negative qualities: spiritually disconnected, grieving, needy. Attachments: guides, gurus or masters, mentors. Mentors, masters and gurus open the higher heart chakra, and in so doing tie you to them and not all masters or gurus have clean energy or the best of intents.)
10 – Throat – over the throat (center of truth)
(Throat – communication. Positive qualities: able to speak your own truth, receptive. Negative qualities: unable to verbalize thoughts/feelings, dogmatic. Attachments: teachers, mentors, gurus or masters, thought forms. Other people’s thoughts and beliefs tend to get attached to the throat chakra.)
11 – Past Life/Alta-Major – just behind the ears (store past life information)
(Positive qualities: wisdom skills, instinctive knowing. Negative qualities: Emotional baggage and unfinished business. Attachments: past life personas, soul fragments, thought forms from previous beliefs. If the chakras are stuck open, you will feel unsafe and overwhelmed by past life memories of trauma and violent death and fears which leaves the way open for
past life personas and thought forms to attach or re-manifest.
12 – Brow/Third Eye – midway between brows and hairline (center of insight)
(Brow/Third Eye - intuition and mental connection. Positive qualities: intuitive, perceptive, visionary. Negative qualities: spaced-out, fearful, attached to past. Attachments: thought forms, ancestors or relatives, lost souls. Strong beliefs can block this chakra, however, and may be caused by undue influence or thought form attachment. If the third eye or brow chakra is stuck open, you are vulnerable to the thoughts, feelings and influences not only of people around you on the earth level, but also on the etheric, constantly bombarded with thoughts and feelings that are not your own.)
13 – Soma – at the hairline above 3rd eye (center of spiritual identity & consciousness activation)
(Soma [high vibration]- spiritual connection. Positive qualities: spiritually aware and fully conscious. Negative qualities: Cut off from spiritual nourishment and connection. Attachments: ‘lost souls’, walk-ins. When this chakra is stuck open it is all too easy for spirits to attach.)
14 – Crown – top of the head (spiritual connection point)
(Crown - Spiritual connection. Positive qualities: mystical, humanitarian, giving service
Negative qualities: overly-imaginative, arrogant, uses power to control others Attachments: spiritual entities, lost souls, mentors If it is stuck open, then you will be prey to illusions and false communicators as it leaves you open to thought forms, spirit attachment or undue influence.)
15 – Higher Crown - above the crown of the head (linkage point for the spirit)
(Higher Crown [high vibration] - spiritual enlightenment/illumination
. Positive qualities: ultimate soul connection, objective perspective on past Negative qualities: spiritual arrogance, soul fragmentation, messiah-complex, rescues not empowers. Attachments: ancestral spirits, ETs, ‘lost souls’. Stuck open or blocked closed, it can lead to soul fragmentation, spirit
attachment, ET invasion, or overwhelm by ancestral spirits.)
16 – Soul Star – about 1 foot above the crown of the head (linkage point for the spiritual and subtle bodies through which higher energies can be grounded or physical vibrations can be raised)
(Soul Star [high vibration] - spiritual enlightenment/illumination. Positive qualities: ultimate soul connection, objective perspective on past. Negative qualities: spiritual arrogance, soul fragmentation, messiah-complex, rescues not empowers. Attachments: ancestral spirits, ETs, ‘lost souls’. Stuck open or blocked closed, it can lead to soul fragmentation, spirit
attachment, ET invasion, or overwhelm by ancestral spirits.)
17 – Stellar Gateway - above Soul Star (cosmic doorway to other worlds)
(Stellar Gateway [high vibration] - Cosmic doorway to other worlds. Positive qualities: communication with enlightened beings. Negative qualities: disintegration, open to cosmic disinformation. Attachments: so-called enlightened beings that are anything but. When it is stuck open, it can be a source of cosmic disinformation that leads to illusion, delusion, deception and disintegration that leaves you totally unable to function in the everyday world.)
(information taken from Judy Hall's book The Crystal Bible 2 and website)