Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lightbody Ascension 12 Stages

1. First level: When the body drops density it commonly displays mutational symptoms of flu, headaches, diarrhea, rashes, muscle and joint aches. Most flu epidemics are actually Light epidemics! Brain chemistry changes, right and left brain functions blend and the pituitary and pineal glands begin to change in size. The DNA structure and chemical components begin to change and pick up extra hydrogen atoms and chemicals that the cells need to take undifferentiated higher Light and break it down into useable Light encodements for the DNA.

2. Second level: The etheric blueprint floods with light and releases karmic experiences, individuals may feel disoriented as well as experience of 'bouts of flu'. Many begin to question "why am I here". Light in the etheric blueprint releases 4th dimensional structure and causes spins in the geometries of the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Change is rapid and many feel tired.

3. Third level: Physical senses become much stronger. Your bodies not only absorb Light for its own change but also acts as a transducer-decoder of higher light energies to the planet as a whole. The process of the in-breath is now irreversible, like an elastic band that has been stretched to maximum capacity, been let go of and will return to its natural state.
4. Fourth level: Major changes are in the brain and its chemistry and electromagnetic energies - symptoms are often headaches, blurry vision, loss of hearing and sometimes chest pains. Crystal regulators in the etheric body keep lines of light within the 5th dimensional blueprint from connecting again until you are ready. Chest pains are due to the expanding energies of the heart as it opens to deeper levels. Vision and hearing are being realigned to function differently. The mental body begins to wonder if it really is in charge and individuals get strong unexplainable and undeniable urges to follow spirit without hesitation. Individuals may get lashes of telepathy, clairvoyance and nearly all begin to experience empathy. This is a time of feeling, of honoring and accepting and validating the emotional body and learning to control it.

5. Fifth level: The mental body decides to tune to spirit, dreams change and may become more 'lucid', you get feelings of de ja vu. Thought processes become non linear. Being's oscillate between knowing and doubt. We realize the habitual nature of thinking and behavior and look at de-programming and re-programming to create the "I" we wish to be, not the "I" we thought we were from our interaction with parents, peers and society etc. Change seems to be constant and we consciously begin to discern from our heart rather than judge from 'conditioned responses'.

6. Sixth level: We draw to us others for mutual support and stimulation of growth. We question what is real, our mental process and how we identify with others and ourselves changes rapidly. Re-evaluation may be uncomfortable but we feel it must be done - we look at our relationships, jobs, home environment, living styles, it is a time of letting go, of moving on. We change our friends, everything feels to be in a state of flux but we feel lighter, vaster, freer somehow. By this stage the Light quotient in our being is 33% - we feel as though we are opening up our inner senses and clairvoyance, clairaudience etc. seem normal and natural to us.

7. Seventh level: The heart chakra opens more, we become more 'real' with other emotions, we just have to be ourselves! We release blocks and old patterns - it is a time of great emotional clearing and great intensity as we seek to rid ourselves of emotional baggage. We feel more in tune with each moment, feeling very present and flowing with life. Often old relationships end or change rapidly as Being's dig deep and honour their feelings - there is simply no room for denial on any level. We begin to lose emotional attachment to others. Chest pains (angina) are more common as the heart continues to open its energy fields. (Doing the Unified chakra meditation will assist in the heart opening).

Fear at this time is released as the energy fields of all the bodies are realigned through the heart and when aligned, fear drops away. Pressure at the forehead or back or the head is due to the opening of the pituitary and pineal glands as they absorb more light, when these glands are fully open, activated and functioning at the highest level, aging and death cease. When the pineal gland is fully open we experience multi-dimensionality yet duality seems to increase as we leave it behind.

Some days we feel connected and joyous, others we are in fear and caught up in survival issues. Many wish to 'ascend' and leave the planet as we sense the very real possibility of ascension through our deepening connection with spirit. As we learn to follow our joy, we may then want to 'save the planet' and have everyone follow their joy. All are stages of progression and reflect our changing perception. Dietary wise, you feel to eat less, more light, live food. Many at this stage have ceased to eat meat, sugar and drink alcohol as they 'feel' the effects of these substances on the vibrational fields of the body.

8. Eighth level: We see the Master in all and purely wish to be of service - we leave the 'saving and rescuing' mode behind in favor of the desire to serve Divine Will. The pineal and pituitary glands change shape, if headaches persist ask the Being's who are working with you to simply 'tone it down' for they don't feel pain, or ask them to release endorphin's - the brains natural opiate. The brain is being activated - particularly the cerebrum, the 'sleeping giant'.

Cranial expansion is common; triangular 'seed crystals' in the brow and recorder crystals in the right side of the brain are activated along with the 8th, 9th and 10th chakras. We begin to be hooked into the languages of Light. The pituitary and pineal glands are opened fully and work together to create the 'Arc of the Covenant', a rainbow light that arcs over the top of the head to the third eye that is a decoding mechanism for higher dimensional language. You may find it hard to find words to express yourself as you may think in geometries and tones. If confused do the unified chakra meditation and ask for messages to be decoded and translated.

Again you become much more aware of the vastness and multi-dimensionality of your nature, that you can be anything that you want to be, you cease to operate from obligation and relationships become transpersonal. You share words from your heart and soul and others may feel disorientated when dealing with you as they no longer have 'hooks' into you to link with. You operate from a deep level of serenity with heightened sensitivity and awareness yet feel grounded and transformed. By this stage, it is possible to be sustained purely by Light and prana, to take no nourishment from the atmospheric realms and to be healthily sustained by the etheric.

9. Ninth level: Decoding geometries and toning is easier, spirit is using the languages of light which shift the 6th dimensional blueprint into a new template for your 5th dimensional Lightbody. Your body may change shape as the energy fields shift. You feel interconnected to all Being's everywhere and less connected to the opinions of others. You release the desire for and the energy to sustain the 'game of separation and limitation' and feel truly free. The 9th level sees a mass descension of the Lightbody into physical form.

As with the 3rd and 6th, this level sees a strong re-evaluation as we begin the final surrender to Spirit and we truly become the Divine instrument. Here Spirit determines our income, our work, other being's in our lives, everything. This is the dissolution of the ego-self and while ecstatic, it can be most painful. Making the leap can be fearful even though we have evolved through eons of time to reach this point. We may go back and forth, clinging to old comfort zones before completely letting go - there is no turning back and all must be released.

9th level is surrender and then ecstasy; the letting go of the "I" - we realize that while free will is real it is also an illusion as it only there to guide us and to empower us to be One with Spirit. Survival fears leave - focus in on the Now at one-at-ment. Though fears may surface, they seem unreal and are easily put aside. We tend to disconnect from consensus reality and our choices and reality seem unreal to others. From the 7th, 8th and 9th the inner light noticeably radiates out and by now you feel unbelievably grounded, connected, centered, filled with purpose and desiring only to serve.

For awhile you may slip between the 8th & 9th, from feeling complete at-one-ment to being ' a limited human being' again, this settles down by the end of the 9th level. You then continually feel connected and operate from your Christ level and your intention and motivation is always for the highest, although others, due to their own inner triggers and issues, may not always choose to see that. The 9th is where we begin to hook up to our I AM. The last three levels unify all energy fields, all chakras are unified and you become totally connected to your I AM.

10. Tenth level : You are one with Source consciousness and know all is possible. DNA is no longer 2 strand but 12 strand; teleportation, manifestation etc. are instantaneous. The Merkabah (another name for our Lightbody) has been built and allows you to pass through space, time and dimensions complete in your totality. It has its own consciousness to be directed by you.

11. Eleventh level: All levels of the lightbody have been constructed and activated and are connected to your physical body via 'spin points'. These light matrix's lie along the physical acupuncture meridians and are lines of light intersecting in beautiful geometries- a new 5th dimensional circulatory system of Light. Cellular regeneration has been accomplished. Time is no longer linear but simultaneous - past, present and future co-exist - all exist in parallels.

There is no separation and you will fully manifest your vision of Heaven on Earth and express the ecstasy of Spirit. In this 'frame' of conscious awareness many now access and create new types of Light based technologies, new community living, new systems of government and equitable food and resource distribution systems. All have received specialist training and skills to help create and manifest the New World - the 'Golden Age'.

12. Twelfth level: The continuation of the Creation and implementation of the New World systems - hook up with other 12th level initiates who bring into existence new governments, new financial and educational systems, better system of food and resource allocation etc. as all will be redefined in the final stages of Earth's ascension so that all may exist in joy, equality and harmony. By this time the planet and her inhabitants will have been 'rewoven' into Light to shine in their full glory as the final stages of this Divine Plan unfolds. The planet goes to Light, shifts out of this dimension and is brought into a multi-star system where everyone is a lightbody and follows Spirit in total Mastery.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Body Language - Basics

Body language is fascinating. People rarely recognize how much information they give off and how noticeable it is to the human eye. Even to the untrained human eye. It is said that no less that 50 percent of information on a person's character, impact and credibility is conveyed through no verbal communication. The following list takes some common body postures and states the persons position.

Arms crossed:
Defensive and cautious.

Resting chin on palm:
Critical, cynical and negative towards the other person.

Dropping eyeglasses onto the lower bridge of the nose and peering over them:
Causes negative reactions in others.

Slowly and deliberately taking off glasses and carefully cleaning the lens:
The person wants to pause and think before raising opposition or asking for clarification.

Pinching bridge of the nose:
Communicates great thought and concern.

Nose-rubbing or nose-touching:
A sign of doubt, it often reveals a negative reaction.

Rubbing around ears:
Performed while weighing an answer, commonly coupled with 'well, I don't know'.

Resting feet on a desk or chair:
Gestures of territorial hegemony.

Swaying back:
Weak ego.

Retracted shoulders:
Suppressed anger.

Direct Eye Contact:
Interested, likes you

Smiling Eyes:
Is comfortable

Relaxed Brow:

Limited or No Eye Contact :
Lying, uninterested, too confined, uncomfortable, distracted

Tension in Brow :
Confusion, tension, fear

Shoulders hunched forward :
Lacking interest or feeling inferior

Rigid Body Posture :
Anxious, uptight

Crossed arms :
Can be just cold, protecting the body, or defensive

Tapping Fingers :
Agitated, anxious, bored

Fidgeting with hands or objects (i.e., pen) :
Bored or has something to say

Leaning forward :

Fingers Interlocked placed behind the head leaving elbows open and armpits exposed :
Very open to ideas, comfortable

Mirroring you :
Likes you and wants to be friendly

Still :
More interested in what you are saying than anything

Eyes open slightly more than usual:
Gives people the impression that they are welcome.

Breath faster: Nervous or angry

Inhaling loudly and shortly: Wants to interrupt a speaking person

Loud sigh: Understand the thing that is being told.

Twisting the feet continuously : A person is nervous or concerned, but can also mean that a person is stressed or angry and that he don't want to show that to everybody.

Legs wide apart or Sitting straddle-legged: Shows that a person is feeling safe, and is self - confident. Can also show leadership.

A big smile that goes on longer and disappears slower.: Unreal or fake smile

Crossed legs with highest foot in the direction of the speaker.: Relaxed and self-confident and they are listening very carefully.

Rapidly nodding your head : Shows impatient and eager to add something to the conversation

Slowly nodding: Shows interest and that they are validating the comments of the interviewer, and this subtly encourages him to continue.

Dangling the loose shoe from the toes : Signals physical attraction

Rubbing your collar: Nerves

Adjusting your tie: Insecurity

Pressed Lips: Pressed lips convey disagreement and disapproval. It communicates a desire to end the discussion. A raised chin implies aggression that may be acted on if the conversation is not ended.

Pursed Lips: This is also a sign of disapproval. It indicates that the person has fixed views that cannot be changed. This usually reveals an arrogant and superficial character.

Biting the Lips: The person expresses embarrassment when he bites his lips. He also communicates a lack of self-confidence.

Reading Hand Signals: People have been granted with two hands: the left and the right hand. The left has been dubbed as the "emotional hand" since an imaginary line can be drawn from the third finger leading directly to the heart. This is why the wedding ring is placed on this finger. The right hand, literally on the other hand. has been named the "proper hand" since it is with this hand that people communicate a blocking or stopping signal.

Open Hands: Open hands may be demonstrated by showing the palm of one's hand, especially in a conversation or an argument.. This expresses a trust in other and an interest in their opinions. It also offers an opinion and invites the sharing of the other person's view.

Covered Hands: This is expressed by raising the back of one or both hands against others. This indicates the setting up of barriers or the keeping of distance. It is an act of concealing feelings and covering insecurity

Clinging Hands: Those who cling to objects, such as handbags. files or tables. show a need for support. This action conveys confusion or insecurity. It expresses fear and difficulty in coping with the current situation.

Twisted Hands ( crossing both hands then clasping the palms together) : Expression of a complex personality. It may indicate a difficult emotional life. The way the palms are held together conveys a need to hide something.

Clasping the hands : indicates defence.

Shrugged shoulders: You can recognize stressed shoulders by the fact that they are a bit shrugged, which does make the head look smaller. The meaning of the signal comes from crouching in dangerous situations. The meaning of this posing depends on the combination. In combination with big eyes it means that someone is concerned about something that is going to happen. In combination with a face that is turned away it means that the person wants to be left alone. An introvert person has nearly always those stressed shoulders.

Difference in level of both shoulders: By most of the people the left and the right shoulder are of the same height. When they are not, it often means that someone is doubting about what he is going to do. With this movement we simulate (unconscious) that we are weighing the possibilities. Sometimes when someone makes this movement, his head will move a little like he is looking above.

Crossed arms: There are a lot of different explanations of the meaning of crossed arms. When someone has crossed arms and he is shaking his head it means that he does not agree with you. But he can also cross his arms when he is frightened, then his arms give him some protection. Another option is that he is feeling cold and he is trying to hold his body-warmth with him. When someone is sitting in a chair with his arms crossed, it indicates that the person is relaxed.

Making a fist from your hands: A fist is a sign for aggression. It comes from hitting someone. But it is seldom used with a threatening meaning. Most of the time it is used to indicate that you are angry or irritated.

Holding the hand before the mouth: Holding a hand before your mouth means that you are hiding something. In western countries it is impolite to belch or to hiccup. So someone can hold his hand before his mouth to hide that he is hiccupping. When someone puts his hand before his mouth when he is talking it indicates that he is saying something or has said something that he did not want to say.

Making the eyes look larger: The meaning of making the eyes look larger can be that someone is astonished. In that case he opens his mouth a little. It can also mean that he is happy or that he likes the thing that is talked about. And because it means that you like something, you can use it on purpose. It pleases people when you have your eyes opened a bit further. When people open their eyes a bit further it can also mean that they are unhappily surprised. Then they will frown their eyebrows.

Raising the eyebrows: Raising the eyebrows shortly means that people are surprised. They raise their eyebrows to allow them to look better. But it can also mean that somebody is looking at you, and that he likes you.

Raised forehead: A raised forehead often means that someone is remembering something he has seen. This often happens very quickly. It can also be a sign of a certain emotion. It is a biological reflex that you raise your forehead a little when you are crying so the tears can move easier.

Pursed lips: When somebody purses his lips it means that he has to make a decision and is thinking about that. Sometimes he also moves his lips, like he is saying the possibilities. When somebody purses his lips, he often looks a bit upward.

Firm Handshake: The strong, firm handshake usually is given by a person who is sure and confident of themselves.

Weak hand shake: People who give these types of handshakes are either nervous, shy, insecure, or afraid of interaction with other people.

Cleared your throat: Nervousness.

Bitten your fingernails:

Wring your hands: Nervousness.

Paced the floor: Nervousness.

A person is bouncing their legs and their arms are crossed over or their torso is slumped: Closed off

Rest Is Not Idleness

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dave and the Thunderstorm

After beginning to share a furball in front of the family room TV, I was hurriedly picked up by my human and tossed outside onto the porch, only after spraying my gift all over the carpet on the way. What I did not expect was that I was also being flung out into the beginning of a massive thunderstorm. 

Here I am after finally making it back into the house after my very first time being outside in a storm.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Auras - Metaphysical

The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body and every organism and object in the Universe. This "auric egg" emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet (1 meter on average) on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground.

The aura consist of seven levels/layers/auric bodies . Each one of the subtle bodies that exist around the physical body, has its own unique frequency. They are interrelated, and affect one another and the person's feelings, emotions, thinking, behavior, and health as well. Therefore a state of imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of imbalance in the others.

1 - Physical auric body - Physical sensations. Simple physical comfort, pleasure, health.
2 - The etheric auric body - Emotions with respect to self. Self-acceptance and self love.
3 - Vital auric body - Rational mind. To understand the situation in a clear, linear, rational way.
4 - Astral (emotional) body - Relations with others. Loving interaction with friends and family.
5 - Lower mental auric body - Divine will within. To align with the divine will within, to make commitment to speak and follow the truth.
6 - Higher mental auric body - Divine love, and spiritual ecstasy.
7 - Spiritual (intuitive) body - Divine mind, serenity. To be connected to divine mind and to understand the greater universal pattern.

RED: lifeforce, survival, raw passion, anger, frustration, menstruation, determination, sense of importance, feeling overwhelmed by change
ORANGE: sensuality, physical pleasure, emotional self-expression, creativity, lacking reason, lacking self-discipline, health, vitality
YELLOW: mental alertness, analytical thought, happiness, optimism, child-like, ego driven, thinking at expense of feeling
GREEN: healing, peace, nurturing, new growth, fear, need for security, jealousy and envy, balance
BLUE: verbal communication, freethinking, relating to structure and organization, emphasis on business, male energies, sadness, possibilities

PURPLE: wisdom, authoritative, female energies, matriarchal, sense of superiority, controlling, imagination, intuition
BROWN: grounding, down to earth, practical, male energies, invalidating, emphasizing body and denying spirit, feeling worth-less

BLACK: issues relating to death, hatred, lack of forgiveness, unresolved karma, dark intentions, shadow games, needing compassion for self

PINK: self-love, tenderness, female energies, gay energies, emphasis on physical appearances, being 'nice' at expense of being 'real'

WHITE (CLOUDY LIGHT): New Age or religious energy, lacking consciousness, a cover-up, denial, being 'good' at expense of being 'whole'

WHITE (CLEAR LIGHT): very high spiritual vibration, godly, divine, inspiration, seeing spiritual big picture, compassionate

GOLD: high spiritual vibration, integrity, respect, freedom, clearseeing, integrating spirit and body, creating as spirit

The following questions can help you figure out what your true life colors are. Most people have many different bands of color in their aura. However, when you answer these questions, your predominant personality traits will reveal your one or two life color(s). Make sure you answer the questions based on who you sense, deep inside, you truly are; not on who you think you should be or have been trained to be.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Share Some Laughter with Federer and Nadal!

Yes, yes, yes. Maybe sports was not something you expected to find here, but that's okay. Tennis is my only sports-love and you may occasionally find a tidbit or two making an appearance.

Today I bring to you a video clip of Roger Federer and Raphael Nadal attempting to film a promotional clip for an upcoming event. Their laughter is infectious! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

 ♥ Somias ♥  
A new word referring to a connection between people and nature.  
Meaning: A part of me that is apart from me. 
Derived from the acronym Soul Of Mine In Another Shell.  
Pronounced like the three English words 'sew'-'me'-'us'. 
A good mnemonic for remembering it is: 'sew'ing 'me' into 'us'.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

22 Disease Fighting Superfoods

Some foods get all of the glory. (Pomegranates, we’re looking at you.) But new research is uncovering the age-defying, disease-fighting, fat-blasting superpowers of common foods you already love. These 22 edibles are cheap, quick to prep, mouthwateringly delicious — and most are probably already in your kitchen. And to make it even easier for you to tap into their head-to-toe benefits, we created a tasty seven-day diet plan featuring every age eraser on our list. A diet that fights fine lines, fatigue and heart disease and helps you lose 2 pounds per week — what are you waiting for? Dig in!

Almonds - Savor this snack. Dieters who noshed on almonds daily shed 62 percent more weight and 56 percent more fat than those who didn’t, a study from Loma Linda University in California finds. “The fiber in nuts may prevent your body from absorbing some fat, speeding weight loss,” says lead author Michelle Wien, R.D. Almond eaters also lowered their blood pressure, and the vitamin E in these nuts may keep skin supple.

Reap the rewards. Chomp on 1 ounce (about 35) raw or roasted almonds daily.

Barley - Give your usual brown rice an upgrade. Barley has almost twice the fiber, plus cancer-fighting selenium. And beta glucan, a form of fiber in barley, helps lower cholesterol and reduces your body’s rate of fat absorption. When people with high cholesterol ate 3 to 10 grams of beta glucan daily, their levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides fell, a study in the Annals of Family Medicine shows.

Reap the rewards. Quick-cook barley takes less time to prep but offers the same perks.

Bison - To sculpt sexy muscles, try this healthy beef alternative. The proof is in the patty: Three oz of ground bison deliver 50 fewer calories and nearly half the fat of a 70 percent lean beef burger. Choose grass-fed varieties; they contain more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids than beef from conventionally grain-fed cows.

Reap the rewards. When you’re making bison burgers, avoid flare-ups and charring on the grill — both may be linked to higher cancer risk.

Black beans - Basic black is always in style; the darker a bean’s coat, the higher its antioxidant activity. Beans are so good for you, they straddle two slots on the food pyramid. “They have enough protein to be a meat, and the vitamins and fiber of a veggie,” says Christine Gerbstadt, M.D., spokeswoman in Sarasota, Florida, for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). One cup packs half your daily folate, blood pressure–regulating magnesium and energizing iron.

Reap the rewards. Canned beans are as healthy as dried and don’t need soaking. Look for no salt added or rinse them to limit sodium.

Brussels sprouts - The vegetable you hated as a kid could help restore your youthful glow. Sprouts contain vitamin A to keep your immune system healthy and vitamin C to aid collagen building and fight wrinkles. Plus, they offer a phytonutrient that can help clear away carcinogenic substances in the body, says Keri Gans, R.D., spokeswoman in New York City for the ADA.

Reap the rewards. Cook sprouts briefly and add olive oil; both help you nab more nutrients.

Cabbage - Be-leaf it! Women who ate more than three-cup servings of cabbage weekly slashed their breast cancer risk by 50 to 70 percent, a study from Michigan State University in East Lansing notes. Cabbage has phytochemicals that may ward off the disease. And it may lower your cholesterol nearly as much as oat bran, a study in Nutrition Research reveals.

Reap the rewards. Steaming enhances cabbage’s cholesterol-lowering ability. To fight disease, serve slaw: Phytochemicals form only after vigorous cutting or chewing.

Coffee - Far from a vice, downing 1 to 3 cups of java daily might slash your risk for death from heart disease by as much as 25 percent, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows. The combination of antioxidants and certain acids in coffee may work together to soothe inflammation.

Reap the rewards. Choose a medium roast for the most antioxidants. And pick a drip brew: Filter papers catch coffee compounds that may raise cholesterol.

Curry - Don’t save this spice for takeout night. Early research suggests that eating curry once or twice a week might halve your dementia risk. Curcumin, a pigment in curry, may dissolve Alzheimer plaques. It may also fight cancer. When patients took a curcumin supplement, the size and number of colon polyps they had was cut in half, a study in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology notes.

Reap the rewards. Pair curry with black pepper (sprinkle on vegetables) to absorb 2,000 percent more of its potent compounds.

Farmed rainbow trout - Eco-friendly farmed trout contains energizing B vitamins and brain-helping omega-3s. And eating any fish once or twice a week might make your brain function as if it were three to four years younger, a study from Rush University in Chicago reveals. The DHA in fish may replenish DHA stores in your brain.

Reap the rewards. Eat this lean protein once a week.

Grapes - Like vino, the skin of fresh red grapes contains the protective chemical resveratrol, which may sharpen your brain and reduce your risk for both heart disease and cancer. “And there’s no alcohol, which has been linked to certain cancers,” Gerbstadt says. Pop a bunch for a ticker-saving dessert: Eating 1 to 2 cups of red and green grapes protects against the heart-harming effects of a fatty meal, a study in Vascular Pharmacology concludes.

Reap the rewards. Go organic. Imported grapes, in particular, tend to have high levels of pesticides, reports the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in Washington, D.C.

Kiwifruit - Great things come in small packages: One kiwi packs more skin-brightening vitamin C than an orange, helping you get 94 percent of your daily quota. And unlike most fruit, kiwi provides some vitamin E to fend off free radicals and keep skin smooth. Plus, people who ate kiwis twice a day for 28 days were less prone to blood clots and lowered their blood triglycerides by 15 percent, a study from the University of Oslo in Norway finds.

Reap the rewards. Hot fuzz! You can eat the outside of a raw kiwi; it contains filling fiber.

Mushrooms - Make room for ’shrooms. Adding mushrooms to animals’ diets stimulated the animals’ immune system in a way that might help ward off infections and cancer, researchers from Penn State University at University Park say. They speculate that the same would likely be true in humans, and that beneficial bacteria or nutrients within fungi’s cell walls may strengthen your defenses against disease.

Reap the rewards. Aim for 2 teaspoons per day. This amount can cut women’s breast cancer risk by about two-thirds, a study in the International Journal of Cancer indicates.

Onions - Onions offer a trifecta of compounds to fight disease on all fronts: fructans, flavonoids and organosulfur. Fructans encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut, to thwart infection-causing bugs. Flavonoids prevent DNA damage that might lead to cancer. And organosulfur may keep blood clots at bay.

Reap the rewards. Buy stronger onions such as northern yellow. They’re best for inhibiting liver and colon cancer cell growth. Sauté, simmer, grill and roast away — their superpowers can stand the heat.

Oregano - Mamma mia! A mere .5 tsp of dried oregano contains the same amount of antioxidants as 3 cups of raw spinach, says Wendy Bazilian, R.D., author of "The SuperFoodsRx Diet" (Rodale). The pizza and pasta topper is also a surprising source of fiber (1 tsp has 0.8 grams) and bone-building vitamin K.

Reap the rewards. Dried and fresh oregano pack the same antioxidant punch. Sprinkle either version on chicken, omelets or fish.

Peanuts - What do wine and peanuts have in common? They both provide off-the-chart levels of resveratrol. And in addition to lowering cardiovascular disease and cancer risk, the high-fiber, protein-filled nibble also fights hunger, making it an ideal afternoon snack.

Reap the rewards. Eat an ounce of roasted, toasted or boiled nuts. They contain more disease-fighting polyphenols than raw ones.

Pumpkin seeds - Mellow out with this soothing snack. Pumpkin seeds are rich in the calming amino acid tryptophan. The seeds also deliver phytosterols that may help lower cholesterol and help fend off certain cancers. Smashing!

Reap the rewards. Toss seeds into granola, cereal, oatmeal, yogurt or salad to add crunch.

Shrimp - These little guys are a calorie bargain. One 4 oz serving sets you back only 119 calories but supplies 23 g of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and selenium, an antioxidant linked to lower rates of colon and lung cancer. Plus, eating about 10 oz of shrimp daily can raise your HDL (“good”) cholesterol by about 12 percent, researchers at The Rockefeller University in New York City have determined.

Reap the rewards. Look for Canada-caught shrimp for fewer contaminants. Frozen is fine; the big chill doesn’t nix the benefits.

Skim milk - It’s not only a bone builder. People who drank more than one glass of skim milk a day lowered their risk for colon cancer by 15 percent, a study from Harvard Medical School in Boston finds. The calcium and vitamin D in milk may work together to halt the growth of cancer cells. Sip a glass as a postworkout snack. “It helps your muscles recover faster, so you can get up and work out just as hard the next day,” Bazilian says.

Reap the rewards. Buy organic or look for milk without antibiotics or hormones such as rBST.

Tart cherries - This red-letter fruit is a firmer, more sour variety than the sweet cherries you usually eat. They provide relief from inflammation and pain and may help you sleep. The red globes might make dieting hurt less, too: Rats that were fed the equivalent of 1.5 cups of tart cherries for 90 days metabolized sugar better and had less belly fat than those who didn’t consume cherries, a study from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor shows.

Reap the rewards. Look for dried or frozen tart cherries or juices without added sugar, and buy organic — conventionally grown cherries are high in pesticides, the EWG notes.

Watermelon -Tomatoes get all the buzz for lycopene, a pigment that reduces your risk for heart disease and may help ward off certain cancers. But watermelon supplies more of the carotenoid, says Elizabeth Somer, R.D., of Salem, Oregon. The juicy fruit is also brimming with citrulline and arginine, which keep arteries healthy and help increase blood flow. Bikini bonus: One cup has only 46 calories and is 92 percent HO, quenching your thirst and helping you stay slim.

Reap the rewards. Leave your melon on the counter to maximize its antioxidant content. A watermelon produces more carotenoids at room temperature than it does when chilled, according to USDA research.

Whole-wheat pasta - Surprise! These heart-helping noodles have a lower glycemic index than whole-wheat bread, says SELF contributing editor Janis Jibrin, R.D. That means they won’t cause blood sugar spikes. “Pasta gets a bad rap, but 1 cup of whole-wheat pasta has triple the fiber of regular pasta, so it’s really satisfying” Gans says. And people on a diet featuring whole grains lost more belly fat than those on a plan that included refined carbohydrates, a study from Penn State University College of Medicine in Hershey indicates.

Reap the rewards. Not a fan of whole-wheat pasta’s chewy texture? Mix it with regular pasta at first, then slowly skew the ratio.

Yellow corn - Lend us an ear: This grain is healthful in all forms, be it baby corn or popcorn. Research from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, reveals that milled yellow corn products — such as cornmeal, grits and corn flour — are rich in the carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein, two antioxidants that protect your eyes and skin from UV damage.

Reap the rewards. Steam corn briefly to maintain the cholesterol and blood sugar–lowering benefits of the kernels.

Love is the Solution to Everything

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Pig of Happiness

An original animated film by Edward Monkton. Watching it is likely to make you a happier person. Sharing it with your friends is likely to make them happier too. So spread the love & press play.

Rotary Sheep

Do you think sheep know when you're pulling the wool over their eyes?

Swimming Pools - Chlorine vs. Salt Water vs. Natural Water

Chlorine vs. Salt Water Systems

No, it doesn't turn your swimming pool into the Atlantic Ocean. Nor does it make you feel like a seasoned salad after swimming in it. It simply gives you all of the benefits of traditional chlorinated water, without the negative side effects.

So, what is the real difference from a salt water pool vs. chlorine option? Here is a quick run-down of the pool battle:

Salt water is more comfortable for swimmers. Don't be fooled into thinking that there is no chlorine in these pools. There is. However, in a salt water pool vs. a chlorine pool, the level of chlorine needed is lower and the pH level can be a bit higher. That means the pool water does not cause burning, itching, dry skin, or green hair. It also smells and tastes better.

These pools are less expensive to maintain. A salt water pool vs. chlorine pool is a lot cheaper over time because you do not have to add chlorine tablets to the water. Instead, you just add salt! The salt water runs through and electrical system that charges the salt and creates chlorine on its own. It is initially more expensive to maintain, but in only a few summers, it will pay for itself. After all chlorine tablets cost $60 or more per bucket and you'll only need about $20 worth of salt every summer, in most cases.

It is, in general, less time consuming to maintain these pools. A salt water pool vs. chlorine pool eats up less of your time because the control box, which charges the salt, regulates most of the water levels. Once you learn the system, you can easily control it, even when you go away on vacation by setting up a timer. However, be aware that you'll still have to check the water for pH levels as well as calcium levels.

Both salt water and chlorinated water are unhealthy for the environment. No one really wins the pool war when it comes to environmental concerns. While salt water may be a bit safer, it can still cause soil and drinking water problems, as well as kill sensitive plants around the pool. On the plus side, a salt pool option is safer for pets and for your family.

As you can see, a salt water pool vs. chlorine options is a much better choice in most cases. However, there are still some problems with salt water, and you should also consider natural pool water option, which are much safer. These systems cost a bit more initially, but the price is worth it because the quality of the water is unbeatable. Before you choose a pool system, make sure that you consider all the options.

Natural Water Swimming Pools

Something new to think about is a natural water swimming pool.

This gorgeous swimming pool isn’t a typical chlorine-filled watering hole–it’s actually a natural swimming pond that relies on plants to filter the water. (Don’t worry, you’re not swimming among the plants and stepping in squishy mud; the plant regeneration area is kept separate from the swimming area.) Even if you already have a swimming pool, you can enjoy the benefits of a chemical-free pond and relaxing natural environment using the structure you already have with a few design changes.

Natural swimming ponds are already quite popular in Europe and are gaining interest in the US. Companies like Clear Water Revival (UK) and Total Habitat (US) can help you design your perfect dream pond, or revamp the pool you already have. The cost of new natural ponds versus conventional swimming pools is said to be comparable, but maintenance costs for a chemical-free pool will be much lower. (Just think of the increased health benefits as an added bonus.)

A natural pond is usually larger than a normal pool to accommodate the plants, rocks, and natural vegetation that comprise the filter zone (separate from the designated swimming area). Once water filters through the plant zone, it is then pumped through a UV filter to ensure maximum cleanliness and aeration. Typically, natural ponds have a waterfall to pump water back into the swimming area. Design and shape options are endless.

Whereas a conventional pool is little more than a concrete tub, a natural pond is a landscape centerpiece that will enhance the value of your home and quality of your life. What could be more beautiful than that?

The Problem with High Fructose Corn Syrup

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), is a sugar substitute found in processed foods. It is used very commonly in the U.S. to replace sugar because of its cheaper cost. HFCS is included in just about every kind of food. There is a good reason for its inclusion.  This substance isn't healthy for you and has been linked to serious health issues and diseases.

High fructose corn syrup is made from corn and contains no artificial or synthetic ingredients. It is a common sweetener and is made by changing sugar in cornstarch to fructose, a form of sugar. It is a combination of fructose and glucose. It is cheaper than sugar and has a long shelf life, so it has become a popular ingredient for soft drinks and processed foods. High fructose corn syrup is nearly identical in composition to table sugar. However, its role in leading to obesity remains controversial.

Moderation remains important. Many beverages and other processed foods made with HFCS and other sweeteners are high in calories and low in nutritional value. Regularly including these products in your diet has the potential to promote obesity, which in turn, promotes conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.  


One study, conducted by Duke University researchers, implicates high-fructose corn syrup in a heightened risk of liver damage. Previous research has suggested that large amounts of fructose liver in the same way as excessive alcohol consumption. Another study linked high-fructose corn syrup specifically with a form of  liver scarring known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).  The new study, published in the Journal of Hepatology, found that high-fructose corn syrup worsened the effects of NAFLD.

"We found that increased consumption of high fructose corn syrup was associated with scarring in the liver ... among  patients with NAFLD," researcher Manal Abdelmalek said.  The researchers analyzed the diets and livers of 427 adults with NAFLD, and found that only 19 percent of them never consumed fructose-containing beverages. In contrast, 52 percent of participants had between one and six servings of a fructose-containing beverage per week, while another 29 percent had at least one serving per day. The higher patients' fructose intake, the worse the scarring of their livers.

"We have identified an environmental risk factor that may contribute to the metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance and the complications of the metabolic syndrome, including liver injury," Abdelmalek said.  Abdelmalek noted that NAFLD is a severe problem that cannot be treated and may lead in some cases to liver cancer, liver failure and a need for liver transplant.

In another study, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) recently conducted a study revealing that cancer cells have a particular liking for refined fructose. In tests, pancreatic cancer cells quickly fed on refined fructose and used it to divide and proliferate rapidly within the body.

"These findings show that cancer cells can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation," explained Dr. Anthony Heaney of UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center, one of the authors of the study.  Published in the journal Cancer Research, the findings also reveal that not all sugars are the same, a widely held belief in mainstream medicine. Tumor cells love both glucose sugar and fructose sugar, but fructose directly causes cancer cells to reproduce and spread in a way that glucose does not.

"Importantly, fructose and glucose metabolism are quite different," wrote the team in the study paper.

So the study solidifies the fact that there is a major difference between HFCS, a highly-refined sugar commonly used in processed American foods and beverages, and refined sugar cane. Both can lead to health problems, but high fructose corn syrup is worse in terms of cancer growth.

"I think this paper has a lot of public health implications. Hopefully, at the federal level there will be some effort to step back on the amount of high fructose corn syrup in our diets," said Dr. Heaney in a statement.  

It is already known that the pancreas has to work much harder to metabolize fructose than it does glucose and other sugars, so it makes sense that fructose consumption is implicated more seriously in contributing to pancreatic cancer growth.

Health Issues and Diseases 

Mercury - According to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, high fructose corn syrup might contain higher levels of mercury than previously thought. In fact, the way the syrup is made is linked to the mercury content, which raises several flags about the potential of mercury toxicity, which can cause lung disease and speech problems.

Diabetes - Since it contains so much sugar, high fructose corn syrup has been linked to the rise of diabetes in people of all ages, but especially children of the past several years. Excessive consumption of soda, in particular, can cause an increased risk of developing diabetes at some point in your life.


Obesity - High fructose corn syrup has been linked to obesity as well. The concentrated amounts of sugar contained in HFCS can lead to weight gain over time, which is directly linked with diabetes. Too much of this substance can wreak havoc on your health.


Increased Aging - Since high fructose corn syrup has been strongly linked to diabetes, it can also accelerate the aging process, damaging cells and resulting in organ damage over time. This occurs because the substance leads to oxidative damage within the body, which shows up as more wrinkles and increased illness.


Infertility - The diabetes link creates all sorts of health problems for heavy high fructose corn syrup users. Because of this, infertility may result as well, leaving the reproductive organs damaged. Erectile dysfunction is also common.


Oral Contraceptive Clash - Taking in too much high fructose corn syrup can be especially bad for women on oral contraceptives since it can raise insulin levels in the body. This can lead to hypoglycemia, diabetes or other issues like weight gain.


Do not think that replace HFCS with sugar can help with weight loss or getting healthy. Both HFCS and sugar contain the same amount of calories and added sugar is still a processed food that is bad for your health. Therefore, avoid all sugary foods altogether for a healthy diet. Instead, eat fruits when you have a craving for sweet.



Rid the Body of High Fructose Corn Syrup

Since HFCS is used very commonly in processed foods, it takes some determination and education to avoid consuming it altogether.

Step 1 - Read food label before you purchase any processed foods, including beverages such as juice and sweetened tea, condiments such as ketchup and soy sauce and dairy such as yogurt. Avoid deli and bakery goods. The lucnheon meats and bread used in delis often contain HFCS. Almost all commercial bakery goods, including breads, are made with HFCS.

Step 2 - Go organic and shop smart. The word "organic" on a product's label does not mean it does not contain HFCS. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there are four types of organic labels: "100 percent organic," organic," "made with organic [specified ingredient(s) or food group(s)]" and "some organic ingredients." Only products labeled "100 percent organic" must not contain HFCS. Furthermore, products labeled "natural" may contain HFCS. The Food and Drug Administration does not have regulation on the use of the word "natural".


Step 3 - Avoid sweetened beverages, including soda, sport drinks, soy milk and tea. Try to buy beverages from certain brands of small bottlers that use sugar instead of HFCS. Sodas from certain countries such as Mexico and Canada are made with sugar. Buy them from across the border.


Step 4 - When eating out, ask and make sure that the ingredients and condiments used do not contain HFCS. Avoid fast foods since most of them are made with HFCS.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cat Armor

You never know when your cat will need his armor!

"Miaowcenaeans, let us too for the fight prepare,
He said; and the cat leap'd down in arms:
Fierce rang the armour on the warrior's breast,
That ev'n the stoutest heart might quail with fear."

Elton John's "Funeral for a Friend" (at his very best in my opinion!)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

DNA Activation - Awakening Intuition

Spiritual DNA

Our greatest treasure is not natural possessions or money, but is that which is hidden deep within our own subconscious.  It is that dark, unused part of our self that is, in fact, light that is unconscious of itself.  ~ Carl Jung

What is our DNA?

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA.

According to science, at least 97% of our DNA, is considered to be “junk” DNA; the 3% left is regarded to be the quota where resides the “valid” codes of information in our bodily system. The Astronomer Carl Sagan once said that our 97% of unusable DNA is just “genetic gibberish”.

The 97% is no junk, nor is it unusable. This unexplored space in our DNA Codex contains an incredible amount of information very usable at the Soul Level; but in Humanity, this potential is still dormant in our prospective development and evolution.

The unused part of the DNA is considered to contain information about our past lives, Akashic records stored in holographic formats; which science does not know how to translate and decode yet.

In our current DNA structure, we have two visible strands, which are called backbone DNA, but all the other 10 other strands are present. Some scientists affirm they can see them, but they are formally called “the shadow DNA”.

According to Esoteric teachings, the first two strands are Physical DNA, the other ten strands are Spiritual DNA. The twelve strands, which work in pairs, may be grouped as follows:

Pair 1, Backbone DNA: this pair is responsible for the physical aspects of the human body. They direct genetic patterning. Backbone DNA denotes the predispositions of individual to certain conditions such as aging, health, metabolism and general life structure. These also are responsible for the external characteristics one has, such as color of the hair, skin, etc.

Pair 2, Etheric DNA: Here we find the reservoir of the emotional aspects, and in this we have a registry on how the individual can act and react to emotional patterns. This part responds intuitively to the personality, which we called Ego. The activation of these strands facilitate the operation of the individual mind though a much broader perspective.

Pair 3, Psychic DNA: These strands are responsible for the genetic mental profile, in other words, they define how the mental energy will be used in direct thought: linear, logic, intuitive, artistic or emotional thinking. These are a very important part of the mind. Their activation can enable an individual to perceive other realities and to think in abstractive terms. We also find here the coding that gives the information on whether a person tends to be pessimist or an optimist.

Pair 4, Anima DNA: Anima is the ancient Latin name for the Soul. In this pair registry, we find the Karma (lessons) and the Dharma (purpose or life mission).We can experience here the predisposition patterns carried by the Soul through its journeys, the Karmic wounds, the Samkaras, the unfinished energies and open projects of the soul. If activated properly, the Anima DNA can terminate upending energies, or karmic junk, at any time.

Pair 5, Astral DNA: This is the basin where all the electromagnetic influences of our Solar system are integrated with the gravitational force determined by the place one was born[1]. These records can be easily read on a personalized astral chart, or astral maps.

Pair 6, Cosmic or Systemic DNA: In this section of our DNA, we store all the potential to create and to re-create ourselves. This is the most spiritual part of our being ingrained into our genetic code. This is the master point of the connection between the individual and the entire cosmic Universe. With this pair fully activated, one is able to manifest situations in their lives more independently. It is from these major connections that our ability to manifest “miracles” comes from.

Tradition declares that human beings had all these possibilities fully activated at one point in time: they are part of our original Divine blueprint. As this faded from the general population, Activation was used as a rite of passage in the ancient mystery school traditions to activate high priests and priestesses, prophets, and oracles. Today, many of these connections now have to be “worked” on in order to be reactivated; through sound healings (the use of certain Solfeggio frequencies), decrees, meditations and practical exercises, and of course lifestyle and life-long spiritual practices. Activating your dormant DNA, which in time will also give you access to the secrets and mysteries of which you are and what your life-purpose is, will allow you to realize your full potential here on Earth.

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